
Here you will find some of the personal projects I created.

My personal website (The website you're looking at).


A dynamic blog using markdown with Next.Js.

AceEx UI

Construction of a design system. AceEx's design system for the web.

DkBlog ContentLayer

A static blog using ContentLayer in Next.Js

DKCutter NextJs

DKCutter NextJs is a framework for quickly starting Next.Js projects.


A command-line utility that creates projects from templates.

ESLint Config

DKSHS's ESLint config preset for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Prettier.


A YouTube clone project.

DKCutter Django

DKCutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.

Video Ambilight

🌈 Ambilight Effect - React - Next.js (YouTube iframe, Video).