DKCutter NextJs

DKCutter NextJs is a framework for quickly starting Next.Js projects.

Powered by DKCutter, DKCutter NextJs is a framework for quickly starting Next.Js projects.

  • If you have problems with DKCutter NextJs, please open issues.


To scaffold an application using dkcutter, run any of the following four commands and answer the command prompt questions:


npx dkcutter gh:dkshs/dkcutter-nextjs.git


yarn dlx dkcutter gh:dkshs/dkcutter-nextjs.git


pnpm dlx dkcutter gh:dkshs/dkcutter-nextjs.git


bunx dkcutter@latest gh:dkshs/dkcutter-nextjs.git

You'll be prompted for some values. Provide them, then a Next.Js project will be created for you.

Warning: After this point, change 'My name', etc to your own information.

Answer the prompts with your own desired options. For example:

 What is the project name? My Awesome Project
 What is the project slug? my-awesome-project
 What is the project description? Behold My Awesome Project!
 What is the author name? DKSHS
 What is the project version? 0.1.0
 Do you want to use linters? No / Yes
 Do you want to use husky? No / Yes
 Do you want to use Commitlint? No / Yes
 Do you want to use Next.Js app folder? No / Yes
 What database ORM would you like to use? None
 What Authentication Provider would you like to use? None
 What Automated Dependency Updater do you want to use? None
 Do you want the project to be configured? No / Yes
 Project created!

Enter the project and take a look around:

cd my-awesome-project/

Now take a look at your repo. Don't forget to carefully look at the generated README.

Advanced usage

If you want to start faster, you can use the following options:

--projectName <string>The Project name.
--projectSlug <string>The Project Slug.
--description <string>The Project description.
--authorName <string>The author name.
--projectVersion <string>The project version.
--useHusky [boolean]Include husky in the project.
--useLintStaged [boolean]Include lint-staged in the project.
--useCommitlint [boolean]Include commitlint in the project.
--useAppFolder [boolean]Use Next.Js app folder structure.
--database <string>Choose a database ORM. See for more info.
--useDockerCompose [boolean]Include docker compose in the project for the database. If database is different from none.
--authProvider <string>Choose a authentication provider. See for more info.
--clerkWebhook [boolean]Includes an endpoint to receive events from the Clerk.
--automatedDepsUpdater <string>Choose Automated Dependency Updater. See for more info.
--automaticStart [boolean]This option will install the application packages, start a git repo and make the initial commit.

See for more information about options.


The following would be the structure of an application with Commitlint:

pnpm dlx dkcutter --useCommitlint

If you want to use all the default values with the exception of one or more, you can do it as follows:

pnpm dlx dkcutter --useHusky --useLintStaged -y

This will use the default values, with the exception of the --useHusky and --useLintStaged options.

See more information in the github repo: dkshs/dkcutter-nextjs.